Sunday, November 27, 2016

So you wanna upgrade your kit? Upgrading your Kit Frames for Death and Destruction

GREETINGS! ABM here. Now that Star Trek Online enables you to upgrade both your Kit Frames and Devices, I thought I would make the following is a quick sheet to give you some insight into your options and what to expect when upgrading. Also is some commentary as what to avoid.

To make this easy, instead of going into excruciating detail about every kit, lets just talk about the various kit modifiers that exist in-game and what they mean. I have included the unique ones from the various specialty kits available from lockboxes as well. I'll start with the common mods and then go to the more esoteric ones. (Edit: Special thanks to CrypticSpartan for clarification of the mechanics and his hard work on making this system worthwhile!)

[KPerf] - Increases the performance of at least one aspect of your kits. It tends to be damage.
[KCD] - Reduces the cooldown time of you kit abilities.
[Will] - Adds resistance to control powers
[PSG] - Increases the capacity of your personal shield generator  
[PSGRes] - increases the "hardness" and thus reduces the damage taken by your Personal Shield Generators
[WpnDmg] - Increases the damage output of your handheld weapons
[WpnCrt] - Boosts weapon criticals
[WpnPen] Increases the penetration of your handheld weapons
[HP] - Increases your hitpoints
[Regen] - Increases the rate at which you heal when OUT of combat
[Armor] - Increases the damage resistance of your personal armor.  
[CritD] - Additional Critical damage
[CritH] - Additional Critical hit chance  
[Critx] - A little bit of CrtiH and CritD  
[PsiDoT] - Psionic Consumption which adds a psionic damage buff to the target of your kit power [PsiBuff] - Psionic Howl that gives you a psionic damage AOE that only applies to certain powers depending on your specialty.  
[PsiDmg] - Psionic Emissions that adds a flat psionic damage buff to certain powers.  
[+Pha] - [+Dis] - [+Pla] - [+Pol] - [+Tet] - [+Ap] - Bonus damage to the listed energy weapon type. [CtlDur] - Buffs the duration of the control effects of your kit devices by 20%.
[ExpDmg] - This is the increased damage you will deal when successfully landing an Exploit attack on a target that is currently Exposed.
[ExpHit] - This is your chance to inflict Expose effects on your targets in ground combat, when using an Expose attack.  
[ExpDur] - This is the duration that your inflicted Expose effects will remain on a target.  
[SonicP] - Adds the Sonic Pulse ability to non-Science captains
[VascReg] - Adds the Vascular Regenerator to non-Science captains
[BattleStr] - Adds Battle Strategies - Adapted to non-Tactical captains
[MotionAcc] - Adds Motion Acceleration to non-Tactical captains
[Undine] - Bonus damage against Undine  

Which Mods to DEFINITELY get:  
[CrtiD], [CritH] and [CritX] - These buff everything you do that deals damage. Simply the best mods next to..  
[KPerf] - This is the most useful to everyone, regardless of specialty. So much so that you cannot get an additional [KPerf] mod when upgrading a kit that already has two [Kperf] modifiers. (more on that below). At epic, you get a KPerf mod anyhow, so at least try to have one already in your kit before you upgrade. 2 is better.
[KCD] -  In my opinion, this is a strong competitor to [KPerf]. Reduction of the CD times of your kit abilities is nothing to scoff at. That said, this mod so far seems to be only available in generic kits frames, not in the specialized lockbox  ones (Though it may be available in some of the more recent kit frames available.)
[WeaponDmg] - Everyone has to pew-pew on the ground, and this will give a small boost to your damage. However, you will notice it MUCH more when you crit.
[+ whatever your energy weapon type] - This is great as it in effect acts like a [WeapnDmg] though it scales much better. That is to say, you will get a better damage boost from using one of those modes OVER a [WpnDmg] mod. However it is limited to the type you select. Currently these are only available on the Herald Kits and a [+Pla] version on the Romulan Navy Kit. So keep that in mind, as you will lose access to some of the other mods such as the Crit variants that come with the Delta Expedition kits. (The exception again being the Romulan Navy kit that comes with a [CritX] mod by default.)
[PSGRes] - Most shields have some sort of resistance in them, so this will just add to that. I think negating incoming damage is more important than the additional 30 or so points you get from the standard [PSG] mod. This is a better overall choice when it comes to shields. That said, there is no place on your paperdoll/character screen to see what - if any - additional resistance/protection you get from this modification.

*special note*
[WpnCrt] -  I am not sure about this one, as like [PSGRes], there is no visible number to see what your new CritH/D is, since it only applies to your weapons. I uses it on a couple of toons and I *think* I'm critting more and better, but not sure. After some tests, it acts like a 2/3rds CritX mod to your weapons ONLY. Certainly worth of note since it can in effect stack with other Crit mods. If you MUST use a Herald Kit, see if you can get one this mod as well.

[Armor] - Not only does +30 to your armor rating do fuck all (at most you *might* see your armor rating jump up by 3 - 5 points) but currently it is bugged so you actually have your damage resistance REDUCED! This may be a display bug, but in its current state, it is easily the most useless mod here. It needs a SERIOUS buff. For some time you could get additional benefits to your armor stats by increased CritH/D if your armor offered that, but since those benefits have been singled out and removed, this mod is close to useless. Avoid with prejudice.
[HP] - Also bugged. Aside from only adding a minimal amount of HP, on many kits it IS NOT ADDING ANY HP AT ALL. This needs a buff and a fix, stat. Even then, it would have to be YUUUUUGE to be worth it. Weak.
[Will] - Control effects are of such short duration and uncommonly encountered, you wont find much utility, and even then, +30 or so resistance to control effects will do fuck all. Easily one of the two worst mods to get.
[Regen] - Only *slightly* more useful than the shite [Armor] mod, this will give you a minuscule acceleration of recovering your HP. But since it is limited to being out-of-combat, it is utterly useless in the current meta. Fail. Avoid.

The rest are situational. Use at your risk. There are some that can lead to interesting builds with Temporal and Intelligence kit modules (Such as say, [CtlDur]) Also, [ExpDmg] on paper sounds good for a CritD/Expose build, but with Cryptic math, it could also suck. Your mileage may vary. Experiment and let me know your experiences.

UPGRADING YOUR KIT: Upgrading your kit will give you noticeable accross-the-board boosts in performance if you have the best modifiers. Upgrading them is inexpensive and require Ground Gear Tech Upgrades Some things to note when upgrading:

* Unique baked-in mods will never get a second one (eg, [CritDx2, CtlDurx2, etc)
* Unique mods from Lockbox kits are not part of the upgrade modifier pool. (Duh!)
* [KPerf] will NOT be in the pool of mods if you already have 2 [KPerf] mods on your kit. So if you require [KPerf]x4, then you need to shell out the cash and find a Very Rare [Kperfx3] kit. (Edit: Here's how CrypticSpartan explained it in the ST:O Reddit subforum:

"Items cannot get more than two [KPerf] modifiers by upgrading. If they already have 3, they will retain those 3 but be unable to acquire more upon upgrade, if they have 2, they will retain those 2 but be unable to acquire more on upgrade, and if they have 0 or 1 they can acquire a [Kperf] modifier on upgrade.
That does not count the [Kp/Wpn] modifier, which is a separate modifier from [Kperf]. "

* At epic, ALL kits get [KP/Wpn} which is the same as a [KPerf] and [WpnDmg].
* Like most current gear boxes from lockboxes, starting with some time ago, opening Requisition packs with kits on lower-level characters with the hopes of getting a MK II VR kit to upgrade has been nicely thwarted by Cryptic by making anything below MK IV open up as Rare. This is not true for all, but it HAS been the case for the last couple of lockboxes. So beware.
 * I have found that some of the Spire and Romulan Embassy kits already have a decent set of mods and are at VR. They are no-brainer options and solid performers.
* Consider standard vanilla (non-Lockbox) kits as they wont have the cruft of many of these unique mods and have more options for combinations.

Well there it is. Hopefully this quick infosheet helps. Your comments and feedback are always appreciated. See you in game!