Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Miner Instabilities: For fun and Profit!!!!

It's been some time since I've done a Strat guide, and I kinda chuckle when I look at the old Breaking The Planet guide from years ago, as the meta has changed so much and there is so much new gear now. In light of that, I will also treat this as a "living document" and make changes as they arise.  Now to the point!
Miner Instabilities is a 5-Person cross faction queue introduced a week after the release of Star Trek Online: Agents Of Yesterday. It takes place on a 23rd Century map on the Cestus mining colony. It is a fun map and I truly believe that it hits the right balance of fun and difficulty...at times. On normal, if you just go guns-blazing or lone wolf, you will find it challenging and dare I say, annoying. But if you follow the following guide, you find it easily manageable. Trust me when I say that by following this walkthrough./strategy guide, you will save yourself MUCH time and frustration.


There are 2 areas where 23c Romulans will appear and 3 places where they will enter the map: South, Center and West. (just think of "West" as "top"). The NPC contact will announce where they Romulans are spawning and you will need to run to that point to kill them all and protect the miners in your colony. A few things to note here:

GOAL: Protect the miners from Romulans. They have low HP and will die quickly. Many groups of Romulans will ignore you to follow their pathing AI and combat scripts to kill the miners. The amount of miners that survive relate to your final score, albeit in a small amount. Keep them alive! That said, I believe that once they die, even if you res them, they will still count as dead in the final score (kind of like in Mine Trap with the colonists...). However, I'd rather have the Romulans concentrate on a rezzed miner than a new one, so res them as much as you can.

THE ENEMY: These are scaled up 23c Romulans, with all ranks Uhlan to Sub Commander. What they lack in HP, Cryptic has decided to make up for in sheer volume. You can take them down easy enough, but they attack en-masse with plasma weaponry and grenades. If you are low on Kinetic Damage resist, you will take a beating. Be prepared, and ALWAYS be on the move to avoid those dangers, as even a maxed-out level 60 can still be crushed by 6-6 photon grenades hitting you.


Goal: Rescue the Gorn Engineer mobs from their Romulan assailants.  Follow the path along either the South or "West" to the various groups. Be careful for the hot gas springs! They will throw you around like a baseball!
THE ENEMY: More small groups of 5 or so Romulans. quickly wipe them out so you can rescue as many Gorn bullet sponges as possible. The amount saved also effects your final score, albe it minimally.
As far as strategy is concerned, I would strongly suggest splitting up into two teams, with the better geared players being a 2-person team going South and the 3-person team going "west" (top). You will eventually meet in the middle. This enables you to save more Gorn and thus, increase the mark payout.

Finally, you will meet up at the out gates of the central mining camp. On both sides, the ramparts are guarded with Romulans with various types of distance rifles: Take them out ASAP and offer cover for the Gorn as they start to attack the door. IF you have engineers, now would be a good time to set up mortars by the gate. Go ahead and fire off your Tachyon Concussion T5 to rouse the Romulans sitting behind barriers on the other side and to kill them prematurely if possible.
When the first OUTER gate has been smashed through, and if you haven't killed a bunch already, where will be a shitton Romulans waiting behind chicanes and barriers...it will be a slug fest, so do your best: AoE weapons particularly shine here, and switching to a close range weapon like a Pulsewave cannot be encouraged more. There will be a second set of doors much like the first. Wash, rinse and repeat.
After this, hopefully both sides have made it into the main complex pretty quick If not, you can always open the gate from the inside with an illuminated control panel.Wipe out all resistance. You will need to "clear the map of Romulans" as an objective. Which takes us to the MOST important and difficult part:


Goal: Keep the Gorn alive long enough as he casually saunters and sleepwalks his way to various waypoints doing....Gorny science stuff repairing the drills...because reasons. Here is where the Nak'Hul will start to spawn in droves.
THE ENEMY: Na'Kuhl. A seriously annoying, pain-in-the-ass enemy that has a crappy gimmick called "Time Slip" that makes them temporarily invulnerable to ALL damage while their dopplegangers are alive.  This version lasts longer than the player version from the Na'Kuhl armor set, so be aware. You need to kill the doppelgangers before the caster becomes vulnerable again. Also, they throw metric asstons of AoE and DoT weapons that will bypass shields.
Because of this reason, this is the best and most painless strategy I can offer:
Your team should fall back to one of the inner gates, preferably the one from the "West" as it gives you better line-of-site and is easily defensible. Another reason that I've noticed is that you're not exposed to as many spawn points by the "West" wall as you are on the more Southern wall, so there's a smaller chance of getting ganked by the idiots. Anyhow, STICK TOGETHER and create a kill-zone to gang-rape the Na'Kuhl as they come to you piecemeal.

"But what about the Gorn?" you say? Well here's the trick: THE GORN WILL BE IGNORED BY THE NA'KUHL. PERIOD. I know - its funny, but its true and a sad display of the limitations of the game engine or coding (take your pic). So if you literally do nothing, the Gorn dude will go about doing his business and actually has LESS of a chance to get stuck in his pathing due to all the AoEs and DoTs flying around (this has been an issue of late with this map)
So - again - fall back to inner wall and create a kill zone with supporting fire - this way also makes it easier to target doppelgangers first as you're not busy dodging Na'Kuhl that are spawning all about you as there isn't a concentration of their spawn points there. Most importantly, it also forces them to fall into a funnel of fire and better protects your deployables. After the Gorn is done repairing the drills, you will have to leave and do mop-up, but that's relatively easy at this point. Get your marks, and call it a day. be sure to do a dance emote at the end, as is custom with 8-Ball Company!!! :)

As with any guide, there is always many ways to achieve the same goal, and I'm sure some great players will find other ways to improve this. I always appreciate feedback and would ask that you give credit to me/us if you link this or copy it. Also come say "Hi!" to any of the 8-Ball Company members in-game! We're a friendly bunch of yahoos that like to joke and Pew Pew. Thanks!